1. Ben tells me that he is ready to get his hair cut - short. I make the appointment and on the way, he informs me that he is going to blame it all on me. (After seeing the result, I will gladly take that blame!)

I have walked past him 3 times in various venues without recognizing him. His teacher carried on and on about how shocked she was. He looks good.
2. He is really fun to hang out with. Here he is at the art car parade dancing to the tunes from the disco bus!

3. Ben's grades slipped a little and he was grounded from the computer. After his grade raised, he thanked me for grounding him. Not sure that I heard right, I asked, "what?!" "Thanks for grounding me, Mom - now my character on World of Warcraft has full HP because he rested so long." (there's always a catch!)

4. Ben worked really hard on his Lone Star project which is a cumulative, interconnected display of everything they learned in Texas History, science, math and literacy this year. Ben made jerky, wrote a script for a podcast and directed said podcast. When I get a good link, I'll share it with you.